Ask Elizabeth: Taking "Me" Time

Dear Elizabeth,

I am always doing things for others but feel that I do not get enough time for “me.” Do you ever feel the same way?

Needing a Rest in NY

Dear Needing a Rest in NY,

All women that I know feel the same way. They are busy with jobs, children, and life in general. A few friends have scheduled some “me” time every day, for starters, just to unwind. Some take a walk with a neighbor, share a cup of tea or just journal. This break time has worked wonders. We all need to schedule time every day for ourselves just to be the best we can the best for ourselves and others.

Ask Elizabeth: Dealing with Disappointment

Dear Elizabeth,

I had a lot of disappointments in my life recently. Any suggestions for a better New Year?

Disappointed in Dover

Dear Disappointed in Dover,

One of my friends just ask me the same thing and I offered her these words: “Just live in the moment and time will help you heal, forgive, and forget.” Great words for all of us as we deal with the disappointments of life. Hope that this works for you!

Ask Elizabeth: Needing Extra in Life

Dear Elizabeth,

I am feeling the need for something extra in my life. Any suggestions?

Needing Something More in New Britain

Dear Needing Something More in New Britain

Maybe you just need to have some more fun in your life! Do you remember to take time now and then to play or do things just for fun? We all should always have fun, no matter what we are doing. You deserve as much fun as you can fit into your life every day.

Do something fun at least once or twice a day. Enjoy!!

Ask Elizabeth: Therapies of Alternate Types

Dear Elizabeth,

Traditional medicine is not working for me at all. Do have any suggestions?

Seeking Alternative Care in Carlisle

Dear Seeking Alternative Care in Carlisle,

I also have sought alternative medical care and it has helped me a lot. You might try a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, a reiki master, or a nutritionist. Others I know have sought out a medium or an astrologist. Do your research and find out what might work for you. Good luck!

Ask Elizabeth: Adding Music to Brighten Your Day

Dear Elizabeth, My days lately seem rather dull. Any suggestions?

Bored in Boston

Dear Bored in Boston,

Why not add some music to your life? To me, life would be so dull without music. I cannot even imagine a day without it. Start with whatever genre you like best and expand your listening from there. No talk radio, just music. Sing, dance, and even do your daily chores to music. You will feel so much better.

Ask Elizabeth: the Importance of Listening

Dear Elizabeth,

I have become the resident “listener” of my friends and family. When someone has a problem, they come to me. Most times I say little and just listen. Do you have any other suggestions that I can use to help my fellow feisty women?

Great Listener in Lebanon

Dear Great Listener in Lebanon,

What you are doing is perfect. You are just listening, providing a sounding board as your friends talk and work through their problems. Just be there for your fellow feisty women and just listen as they cry, vent, ask for advice, or just sit in silence. We should all have a friend just like you!

Ask Elizabeth: Regain Your Sense of Humor

Dear Elizabeth,

My sense of humor needs help. Any suggestions?

Not Laughing in Lodi

Dear Not Laughing in Lodi,

All of us from time to time need a “boost” to regain our sense of humor. A couple of solutions might work such as reading the comics in the daily paper, asking a child for some jokes, or subscribing to “joke a day” online. Slowly but surely your sense of humor will return. I know this to be true and so will you!

Ask Elizabeth: Self Care Suggestions

Dear Elizabeth,

I have neglected taking care of myself for many years but now I have promised myself that I need to do more for “me.” Any suggestions?


Time for Me in Tampa

Dear Time for Me in Tampa,

Many feisty women have shared their special self-care suggestions with me at holistic fairs. Somedays these women felt like doing things from this list; other days were best spent doing nothing. The best days give you the best memories, these women all said, so try out things from this list, the first 5 steps, and remember that all these suggestions have been offered by feisty women just like you.

Step #1: Just stop if it feels wrong.

Step #2: Just say what you mean.

Step #3: Don’t be a people pleaser.

Step #4: Never speak bad about yourself.

Step #5: Never ever give up on your dreams.

Let me know how you do!